About Us

Juliette Mills-Lutterodt
‘Buy a Bag Save a Life’.
“You must attend to your business with the vendor in the market,
and not to the noise of the market”
— African Proverb.
…That’s exactly what Juls did in 2018. She ignored the noise, distractions and the storm!
Juls is not one to sit and wait for things to happen, she makes them happen, with an infectious energy and passion that empowers her to think big, she pursues her goals with such intensity and focus that anything, but success is unthinkable. Wife and a mother of three, a grandmother, a breast cancer survivor running two businesses, not to add her non-profit organization “Pink For Africa” to ask the least of Juls is simple and basic – “ Where do you get your strength? and how do you do it!?”
The Birth of Jul’s Collection:
During her journey in the storm of breast cancer, Juls had a sudden and profound understanding of something! That something was her decision to create Jul’s Collection, a luxury line of leather handbags and fashion accessories. For inspiration, she went through the closets of her mother and aunties and so many women who influenced her fashion world growing up. Today her tag line is ‘buy a bag save a life’.Why Jul’s Collection:
Affordable Quality! Jul’s Collections; is about purposeful shopping where your money goes a long way to save a life. Every bag is packaged with an inspirational note to the customer. The details and methods in each product are meticulous, adhering to old world craftsmanship and techniques like hand-dying, hand-cutting, hand-sewing, with hand-burned edges and a hand-embossed logo.
Where is Jul’s Collection:
Jul’s Collection bags can be found online as well as in pop-up shops in the east coast, while working its way to California and the rest of the west coast. Jul’s Collection bags are now seen on the arms of women in Europe and Africa, reflecting her own cultural background and diversity.
Buy a Bag Save a Life:
20% of the profits from the sale of Jul’s Collections bags are donated to Pink for Africa, a non-profit breast cancer awareness organization founded by Jul’s. The donations go to help educate young girls and women about breast cancer prevention, awareness and financially supports breast cancer victims across Africa. For more information please visit www.pinkforafrica.org
Juls continues to be constantly inspired by her love for family, passion for travel and tall the memories she’s gained along the way.